Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Alltop - A table of contents for the Internet

Alltop is a very simple and cool site that can help people find what is currently popular, by topic, on the Internet. Their slogan is "we've got all the top stories covered all the time." The page updates every 10 minutes as well. This is a good site for people that won't build their own custom homepage on Netvibes, MyYahoo, or iGoogle and those that do have custom homepages may find some good new sites to add to their homepage. I personally think it is neat to see what all of the top global news articles are. Gone are the days of having to just rely on 1 newspaper or newsprogram to stay informed. This opens the doors up to deeper acountability in reporting the news. For example, one could quickly compare Al Jazeera Headlines to CNN Headlines side by side and see how each venue spins various stories. This would be a great way for students to hone their critical thinking skills by comparing and contrasting the various outlets of information. What makes one source more credible than the other? Plus, it would be cool to see TerenceOnline added to their topic page on Education. I would like to see Alltop add a search engine to their site. Categories + Search Engine = More access to information.

Here is what the site says about itself:

"We help you explore your passions by collecting stories from “all the top” sites on the web. We’ve grouped these collections — ”aggregations” — into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, celebrity gossip, fashion, gaming, sports, politics, automobiles, and Macintosh. At each Alltop site, we display the latest five stories from thirty or more sites on a single page — we call this “single-page aggregation.”

You can think of an Alltop site as a “dashboard,” “table of contents,” or even a “digital magazine rack” of the Internet. To be clear, Alltop sites are starting points — they are not destinations per se. The bottom line is that we are trying to enhance your online reading by both displaying stories from the sites that you’re already visiting and helping you discover sites that you didn’t know existed. In this way, our goal is the “cessation of Internet stagnation.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your wish is my command.
